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Bippity Boppity Business Newsletter: Why the Hero of Your Brand Story is Your Customer (Not You)

A Note from Your Host of Bippity Boppity Business: Rita Richa

Rita Richa- Host of BBB + Founder of Reignite Media

When Walt Disney was designing the first Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, he thought of everything. He wanted everything to be perfect and so he painstakingly researched every detail. Nothing escaped his attention, not even the trash cans.

You see, Walt wanted his theme parks to be cleaner than any place he had ever visited before. The story goes that Walt eventually figured out that the average person would walk 30 feet away from food stalls before throwing what was left of it away. And so even today, you will always find trash cans 30 feet away from each other in Disneyland theme parks.

Impressive? Well, Walt didn’t stop there. He also didn’t want the smell of garbage to be a problem in his parks, so he ended up designing his own trash bins that came with the swinging lids. He was the first to use this idea at Disneyland, but other people told him it wasn't useful and so he didn't patent it.

Disneyland Trash Cans

Now, these bins are used in many places, and he rarely gets credit for his invention. But if you’ve been to any of the Disney theme parks, you’ll know they take cleanliness seriously.

My takeaway from this is that small details matter, especially when it comes to brand building. They say content is always king, and I agree. But making sure that your branding cuts through everything you post will decide whether people engage with your content or scroll them down like the rest.

So as this new year continues to ease in, take the time to breathe, and slow down. Look at everything you’ve done, every single piece of content that you’ve put out there, and try to point out details that you think stood out in terms of establishing your brand. Look for things you can improve, as well as details that you can continue using.

With the new year almost upon us, it’s also a good idea to consider if your brand needs some work. After all, the new year is the perfect time for reinvention.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. 2023 will be an exciting year!




What a Character!

Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet

Workplace Strengths:

Creative thinker; outside the box is his comfort zone

Very friendly and easy to get along with

Doesn’t take himself too seriously

Workplace Weaknesses:

Fond of daydreaming every now and then

Might take one too many breaks

Doesn’t take leadership or their feedback seriously

We all have strengths and weaknesses, how you utilize them to your benefit is what makes the difference!

Hope you have a magical day. :)